Selected Publications
- Livak, K.J., and Schmittgen, T.D. Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2-∆∆Ct method. Methods, 25:402-408, 2001.
- Park, J.K., Henry, J.C., Jiang, J., Esau, C., Lerner, M.R., Postier, R.G., Brackett, D.J. and Schmittgen, T.D. miR-132 and miR-212 are increased in pancreatic adenocarcinoma and target the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 2011 Mar 25;406(4):518-23.
- Park, J.K., Kogure, T., Nuovo, G.J., Jiang, J., Phelps, M.A., He, L., Kim, J.H., Croce, C.M., Patel, T., and Schmittgen, T.D. Silencing of miR-221 with anti-microRNA oligonucleotides is an effective therapeutic for hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res., 71:7608-7616 (2011).
- Concomitant dysregulation of microRNAs miR-151-3p and miR-126 correlates with improved survival in resected cholangiocarcinoma. McNally, M,E,, Collins, A., Wojcik, S.E., Liu, J., Henry, J.C., Jiang, J., Schmittgen, T.D., Bloomston, M. HPB (Oxford). 2013 Apr;15(4):260-4, 2012.
- Ferdin, J., Wu, X., Nishida, N., Nicoloso, M.S., Maitri, N., Shah, Y., Devlin, C., Ling, H., Shimizu, M., Kumar, K., Cortez, M.A., Ferracin, M., Bi, Y., Yang, D., Czerniack, B.A., Zhang, W., Schmittgen, T.D., Voorhoeve, M.P., Reginato, M.J., Negrini, M., Davuluri, R.V., Kunej, T, Ivan, M. and Calin, G.A. HINCUTs in Cancer: Hypoxia-Induced Non-Coding Ultraconserved Transcripts. Cell Death Differentiation, 1-13, 2013.
- Elgamal,O.A., Park, J.K., Gusev, Y., Azevedo-Pouly, A.C., Jiang, J. Roopra, A., and Schmittgen, T.D. Tumor suppressive function of miR-205 in breast cancer is linked to HMGB3 regulation. PLoS One, 8:10, e764022013, 2013.
- Collins, A.L., Wojcik, S., Liu, J., Frankel, W.L., Alder, H., Yu, L., Schmittgen, T.D., Croce C.M. and Bloomston, M. A Differential microRNA profile distinguishes cholangiocarcinoma from pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 21(1):133-8, 2013.
- Azevedo-Pouly, A.C.P., Elgamal, O.A and Schmittgen, T.D. RNA isolation from mouse pancreas, a ribonuclease-rich tissue. J Vis Exp. 2014 Aug 2;(90):e51779. doi: 10.3791/51779.
- Pandharkar, T., Zhu, X., Mathur, R., Jiang, J., Schmittgen, T.D., Shaha, C. and Werbovetz, K. Antileishmanial Mechanism of Action of the Arylimidamide DB766: Azole Interactions and Role of CYP5122A1. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 14 Jun 2.: AAC.02405-14, 2014.